A short introduction to the science of conspiracy theories (in Dutch).
Prof. Jan-Willem van Prooijen is approachable for media requests, and has extensive experience with both International and Dutch media including TV, radio, and newspaper interviews. He prefers serious media that are targeted at a broad audience, but is sometimes also willing to respond to other requests. Prof. Van Prooijen can comment on a range of topics that involve human behaviour and social interaction. Examples of topics that Prof. Van Prooijen has commented on in previous requests involve belief in conspiracy theories, extremism, group behaviour (e.g., riots, crowd behaviour, depersonalization, collective panic), reciprocity, altruism, moral outrage, punishment, and helping in emergency situations.
International TV or Radio:
Zdf (11 November 2021). Mythos: Das Geheimnis der Illuminaten (German Documentary about conspiracy beliefs, recorded in Berlin). Watch HERE
Al Jazeera (7 July 2021). About public reaction to Peter R. de Vries assassination attempt. Watch HERE
- Inside Story Al Jazeera (27 January 2021). Panel discussion about Dutch Covid riots. Watch HERE
- Ici tou.TV “Découverte” (10 January 2021). French-Canadian TV program about conspiracy theories. Watch HERE or HERE
- BBC Crowdscience (31 July 2020). Interview about why conspiracy theories exist. Listen HERE
- BBC The Inquiry. (2020). Interview about 5G conspiracy theories. Listen HERE
- BBC Radio current affairs (2020). Interview about conspiracy theories. Listen HERE
- The Conversation (2020). Podcast about conspiracy theories. Listen HERE
- Radio Interview ABC (Australia) (25 November 2019). About conspiracy theories. Listen HERE (4th Story)
- Radio Interview “Radio New Zealand” (2 September 2018). About Qanon. Listen HERE
- Video Interview Business Insider. About conspiracy theories (8 March 2018). Watch HERE
- Radio Interview “Quirks & Quarks” (CBC Radio, Canada). Interview about conspiracy theories. (18 November 2017). Listen HERE
- Interview “Quarks & Co” (WDR Germany). Episode “Wahn oder Wahrheit - was steckt hinter Verschwörungstheorien? ” (about conspiracy beliefs). (28 June 2016). Watch HERE
- Radio Health Journal (aired on 490 radio stations nationally in the USA), item on the Bystander effect. (9 March 2014). Link
Dutch TV interviews:
- Regular interviews for “Editie NL” (a Dutch national TV news program) (over 30 interviews within the period 2009 to 2017, about various topics, such as: riots; collective panic at dam square during war memorial; the value of good colleagues; public shaming of perpetrators; higher fines for traffic violations; procedural injustice; and various others)
- Interview on the psychology of scent for “Koopkracht” (a Dutch consumer program); 14 October 2009
- Interview about Belief in Conspiracy Theories in “Goedemorgen Nederland” (a live popular breakfast show); 19 January 2010.
- Studio guest Live news program “RTL Nieuws” about rescue mine workers Chile; 12 October 2010.
- Guest in discussion program “Helder” (NTR); item about altruism. (3 November 2010) link
- Interview “De Wereld Draait Door” (VARA; Ned 3), subtheme by “de Jakhalzen” about societal reactions to threats to the queen. (5 September 2011)
- Interview “Een vandaag” (TROS / AVRO; Ned 1), about why people take tattoos (5 November 2011)
- Interview “Hallo Nederland” (Omroep MAX; NPO2), about poster of eyes reducing bicycle theft. (19 February 2015).
- Interview “MO Actueel” (NTR Moslimomroep; NPO2), about belief in conspiracy theories. (14 March 2014). Watch HERE
- Interview “Shownieuws" (SBS6). About receiving criticism from singing contest jury (1 December 2015)
- Interview EenVandaag (Ned 1), about belief in conspiracy theories. (2 August 2016). Watch HERE
-BNN “dat wordt oorlog!” (2017). Reality TV show loosely based on the Robbers Cave Experiment (4 episodes). Watch the Trailer HERE. Watch the episodes HERE.
- Interview BNN “dat wordt oorlog”-talkshow, after last episode, with all participants. (16 May 2017).
- RTL late night (RTL4). Interview about bystander behavior after an accident. (31 July 2017). Watch a fragment HERE.
- Eenvandaag (NPO1). Interview about conspiracy theorist harassing parents of murder victim (7 August 2017). Watch HERE.
- Even tot hier (NPO1). Studio guest, about conspiracy theories following the Notre Dame fire (20 April 2019). Watch HERE
- Videocolumn Vrij Nederland (24 April 2019). Waarom we allemaal complotdenkers zijn. Watch HERE.
- Cafe Hendriks en Genee (25 April 2019). Interview about conspiracy theories. Pilot-episode, not broadcasted.
- Vijf uur Live (RTL4, 11 September 2019). Studio guest, interview about conspiracy theories. Watch HERE.
- Hart van Nederland (SBS6, 22 March 2020). Studio guest, about social implications of corona virus.
- Hart van Nederland (SBS6, 26 March 2020). Studio guest, about adolescents ignoring health regulations corona virus.
- Medialogica kort (NPO 2, 8 April 2020). Online interview, about conspiracy theories linking COVID-19 to 5G. Watch HERE
- Vijf uur Live (RTL4, 15 April 2020). Online interview (Live), about conspiracy theories linking Covid-19 with 5G networks. Watch HERE
- De Universiteit van Nederland (30 April 2020). Video about conspiracy theories. Watch HERE
- Reformatorisch dagblad (30 April 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories. Watch HERE
- Nieuwsuur (NPO2, 9 May 2020). Interview about Covid-19 conspiracy theories. Watch HERE
- Telegraaf TV (23 May 2020). About Dutch fashion model spreading conspiratorial ideas. Watch HERE
- Eenvandaag (3 September 2020). About family members endorsing radical conspiracy beliefs. Watch HERE
- Telegraaf TV (25 September 2020; Studio guest). About what drives activists that rally against corona regulations. Watch HERE
- Goedemorgen Nederland (22 October 2020; NPO1). Comment on conspiracy theories.
- Jeugdjournaal (4 November 2020). Interview on conspiracy theories in news program for children. Link
- Pointer (NPO2; 20 November 2020). Interview on conspiracy theories. Link
- Hart van Nederland (SBS6; 25 January 2021). Interview about corona riots. Link
- 5 uur show (SBS6; 27 January 2021). Interview about citizens protecting their city against rioters. Link
- Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA; 8 February 2021). Short clip about the evolutionary basis of conspiracy thinking. Link
- Omroep West (22 February 2021). Interview about Qanon. Link
- RTL nieuws (12 May 2021). About two conspiracy believers who are convicted for online threats.
- RTL nieuws (19 May 2021). About serious threats of radicalized people to public figures.
- Hart van Nederand (SBS6; 23 October 2022). About conspiracy theories. Link
- Eenvandaag (NPO1; 6 January 2023). About racist statements of right-wing extremist groups. Link
- WNL op zondag (28 May 2023). Studio guest.
- Nadia (NPO1; 12 June 2023). Studio guest in episode about conspiracy theories. Link
- RTL Nieuws (RTL4; 16 June 2023). Item about meteorologist receiving threats by conspiracy theorists. Link
- Focus (NPO2; 17 June 2023). Episode about belief in conspiracy theories. Link
- Eenvandaag (NPO1; 4 January 2024). About disclosure Epstein documents. Link
- Telegraaf TV (12 March 2024). About book “Hoax”. Link
Co-presenting the Dutch Reality TV Program "Dat wordt oorlog!". The program illuminates how to create conflict between groups, inspired by (and loosely based on) the Robbers Cave Experiment.
Dutch Radio interviews:
- Studio guest Live in “Pavlov” (NTR; Radio 1), item about reciprocity (4 December 2010)
- Interview “Knooppunt Kranenbarg” (NCRV; Radio 2); item about belief in conspiracy theories (3 May 2011)
- Live interview “Nu al wakker Nederland” (Radio 1); item about conspiracy beliefs following the death of Osama Bin Laden (4 May 2011)
- Studio guest Live in “Wekker Wakker” (Omroep MAX, Radio 5 nostalgia); item about conspiracy beliefs (27 December 2011)
- Interview “Goedemorgen Nederland (KRO, Radio 1). About political preference and conspiracy beliefs (22 May 2013)
- Interview Radio FUNX. About political preference and conspiracy beliefs (22 May 2013)
- Interview “Knooppunt Kranenbarg”(NCRV; Radio 2). About political preference and conspiracy beliefs (22 May 2013)
- Interview and debate “Dichtbij Nederland” (NTR; Radio 5). About political preference and conspiracy beliefs (22 May 2013)
- Interview BNR Nieuwsradio. About the influence of surveillance cameras on intervention behavior (24 October 2013).
- Studio guest Live in “ Pavlov” (NTR; Radio 1), item on the influence of surveillance cameras on intervention behavior. (26 October 2013).
- Studio guest Live in “De nieuws BV” (BNNVARA; Radio 1). About conspiracy beliefs following missing Malaysian airlines flight 370. (19 March 2014).
- Interview “Dit is de Nacht”(Radio 1). About mine workers trapped, exactly four years ago. (5 August 2014).
- Studio guest Live “Eenvandaag” (NOS, Radio 1). About belief in conspiracy theories. (2 February 2015). Listen here
- Studio guest Live “BNR Nieuwsradio”. About belief in conspiracy theories . (17 February 2015).
- Interview Radio 2. About apologies construction companies following the bridge-building accident in Alphen aan den Rijn. (12 August 2015).
- Interview RTV Emmen. About benefits and drawbacks of complaining. (16 September 2015).
- Interview Radio 2. About complaining (22 September 2015).
- Interview Radio 1. About why people seek suspense (e.g., Halloween)(30 October 2015).
- Interview KRO radio (NPO radio 4). About belief in conspiracy theories. (2 Augustus 2016)
- Interview BNR Nieuwsradio. About 9-11 conspiracy theories (9 September 2016).
- Interview Radio Swammerdam (Amsterdam FM). About conspiracy theories (19 February 2017).
- Interview Eenvandaag (Radio 1). About ethics of Reality Program “Dat wordt oorlog”. (25 April 2017).
- Interview ‘Nooit meer slapen’ (Radio 1). About Reality Program “Dat wordt oorlog) (25 April 2017).
- Interview Eenvandaag (Radio 1). About helping in emergency situations. (4 September 2017).
- Interview BNR Nieuwsradio. About group pressure. (21 December 2017).
- Interview Bureau Buitenland (Radio 1). About conspiracy theories following the Notre Dame fire. (19 April 2019).
- Interview Radio 1 (‘Podcast van de dag’). Zijn Epstein-theorieën gezonde argwaan of paranoia? (12 August 2019). Listen HERE
- Interview BNR nieuwsradio (Studio guest). About conspiracy theories. (26 February 2020).
- Interview Radio FunX (Studio guest). About conspiracy theories in the context of Covid-19. (29 March 2020).
- Interview Spijkers met Koppen (BNNVARA NPO Radio 2; Studio guest). About Covid-19 conspiracy theories. (9 May 2020).
- Interview Dr. Kelder & Co (NPO1; studio guest). About conspiracy theories. (11 July 2020).
-Interview EO Live (NPO5; studio guest). About conspiracy theories (20 July 2020).
- Podcast NU.nl. About the role of media in reducing conspiracy theories. (23 October 2020). Link
- Interview WNL op zaterdag (NPO1). About conspiracy theories. (14 November 2020).
- Interview Radio Swammerdam. About conspiracy theories. (20 December 2020).
- Interview de Nieuws BV (NPO1; studio guest). About conspiracy theories in 2020. (31 December 2020).
- Interview Radio Veronica. About vaccination conspiracy theories. (11 August 2021).
- Interview Eenvandaag (Radio 1). About conspiracy theories. (11 August 2021).
- Podcast KIJK (17 september 2021). About conspiracy theories. LINK
- Podcast VPRO “Complottenzalf (20 April 2022). Interview about how to keep contact with close others who believe in conspiracy theories. LINK
- Eenvandaag (Radio 1). About extremism and conspiracy beliefs (7 November 2022). Link
- NPO radio 1. Het Amerikaanse complot (6 January 2024). Link
- Mischa! (Podcast Radio 1). About new book “Hoax” (12 March 2024). Link (#431)
International Newspaper or Online Interviews:
- PsyPost (22 October 2021). Interview about the long-term health effects of conspiracy beliefs. LINK
- PsyPost (8 September 2021). Interview about the psychological payoff of conspiracy theories. LINK
- The Lily.com (5 March 2021). Interview about Covid-19 health conspiracy theories. Link
- TV Markiza (Slovakia; 24 February 2021). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- New Statesman (10 February 2021). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- New York Times (3 February 2021). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- PsyPost.org (23 January 2021). About the cultural dimension of intergroup conspiracy theories. Link
- Canada24News (10 January 2021). About conspiracy theories. English Link; French Link
- National Geographic (8 January 2021). About conspiracy theories. Link
- APA news (18 November 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- Pressreader (12 August 2019). Interview about the flat earth movement. Online
- Undark.org (27 February 2019). Interview about conspiracy theories. Online
- the Washington Post (20 July 2018). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- USA today (23 December 2017). Interview about conspiracy theories. Online
- The Guardian (28 November 2017). Interview about ‘crisis actor’ conspiracy theories. Online
- Associated Press (11 August 2017). Short interview about fear for Fipronil-eggs. Various sites (e.g. LINK)
- Inverse.com (5 June 2017). Why conspiracy theories are so incredibly common. (Interview). LINK
- Vox.com (25 April 2017). The dark allure of conspiracy theories, explained by a psychologist. (Interview). Online
- Statnews (US, 8 March 2017). “How psychology makes sense of Trump’s conspiracy theories” (interview about conspiracy theories). Online: https://www.statnews.com/2017/03/08/trump-wiretapping-tweets/
- Time (15 August 2015). Interview about belief in conspiracy theories. Read HERE
Dutch Newspaper interviews:
- De volkskrant (interview on conspiracy beliefs; January 16, 2010)
- Nederlands Dagblad (interview on conspiracy beliefs; January 18, 2010)
- De pers (interview on conspiracy beliefs; 10 september 2010)
- Metro (interview on help programs; 7 Februari 2011)
- Viva (interview on help programs, “Help! We zijn leedverslaafd”; 8 to 14 April 2011)
- Spits (interview on moral outrage towards child rapists; 8 April 2011)
- HDC Media (various Newspapers: Noordhollands Dagblad, Haarlems Dagblad, Leidsch Dagblad, IJmuider Courant, and De Gooi- en Eemlander); Interview on conformity of idols, in the context of tattoos.
- De volkskrant (interview on system justification; December 21, 2011)
- Quest (interview on conspiracy beliefs; June issue 2012)
- Trouw (front page; interview on political preference and conspiracy beliefs; 22 May 2013
- Ad Valvas (nr 17, 30 April 2014; interview on conspiracy beliefs; picture on front cover).
- Tranz (#3, Mei 2014; interview on conflict)
- NRC Handelsblad (interview about “power, politics, and paranoia” book; 1 August, 2014; also printed in NRC Next, 7 August 2014)
- Mare, 2015 (nr. 18, Interview about conspiracy theories; 5 February 2015).
- NRC Handelsblad, “Het zal wel weer verzonnen zijn” (Interview about conspiracy theories; 16 February 2015)
- Quest (26 February 2015). Online http://www.quest.nl/artikel/ruim-40-procent-gelooft-de-overheid-volgt-stiekem-alles-wat-we-op-internet-doen
- Algemeen Dagblad (AD; 19 November 2015). Interview about belief in conspiracy theories following the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks. Read HERE
- Elsevier (21 Mei 2016). “Dat kan geen toeval zijn”, Interview about belief in conspiracy theories (pp. 24-25).
- Volkrant (26 November 2016). “Complotdenken is anno 2016 weer heel normaal” (interview about conspiracy theories).
- RTL nieuws (14 March 2017). Interview about how to de-escalate the Dutch-Turkish conflict. Online: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nederland/politiek/het-conflict-met-erdogan-de-escaleren-hoe-doe-je-dat-eigenlijk
- Volkskrant (26 April 2017). Mensen tegen elkaar opzetten voor een TV programma, gaat dat te ver? (Interview about Reality Program “Dat wordt oorlog”)
- Motherboard (3 May 2017). Waarom iedereen een complotdenker is en niet alleen aluhoedjes. (Interview). Online: https://motherboard.vice.com/nl/article/waarom-iedereen-een-complotdenker-is-en-niet-alleen-aluhoedjes
- Parool (2 September 2017). Als scepsis uitgroeit tot paranoia (Interview about conspiracy theories).
- Quest Psychologie (Winternummer 1, 2018). Ik stond erbij en keek ernaar (Interview about the Bystander effect).
- De correspondent (25 April 2018). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
- Kijk (nr 12, 2018). “Niets is wat het lijkt”. Interview about conspiracy theories.
- NRC Handelsblad (24 December 2018). “Ook de oude Grieken waren al dol op een goed complot”. Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
- De Volkskrant (3 May 2019). “Is het complotdenken in opkomst?” (interview about conspiracy theories). https://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/is-het-complotdenken-in-opkomst~b9500073/
- Oneworld (22 May 2019). “Wat gaat er om in het hoofd van klimaatontkenners?” (Interview about science denialism). LINK
- Psychologie Magazine (2019, Issue 10). “Heb je het bewijs dat de aarde rond is?” (Extensive interview about conspiracy theories; pp. 112-115).
- RTL nieuws (28 September 2019). Interview about the flat earth movement. LINK
- Trouw (6 October 2019). “Populisme en complotdenken horen bij elkaar” (Interview about conspiracy theories). LINK; Zie ook: LINK
- Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (12 December 2019). Interview about extraterrestrial life. LINK
- Volkskrant (14 February 2020). Interview about Corona virus conspiracy theories. LINK
- De Correspondent (4 April 2020). Interview about (dis)trust in science. LINK
- Onderwijsblad (May 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories.
- NRC (20 May 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
- RTL (10 July 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
-Trouw (25 Juli 2020). Interview about Dutch model spreading conspiratorial ideas. LINK
- Editie NL (3 August 2020). Interview about crowded places during Covid-19. LINK
- Trouw (14 August 2020). Interview about Kieskompas study Covid-19 conspiracy theories. LINK
- Parool (14 August 2020). Interview about corona conspiracy theories. LINK
- Medialogica (2 October 2020). About how to interact with friends who believe conspiracy theories. LINK
- RTL nieuws (12 October 2020). Interview about Qanon. LINK
- Nu.nl (19 November 2020). Interview about conspiracy theories during the pandemic. LINK
- Ad Valvas (2 Januari 2021). About conspiracy theories. LINK
- Quest (10 February 2021). Interview about fake news and conspiracy theories. LINK
- Ad Valvas (26 Februari 2021). Interview about conspirituality. LINK
- Trouw (26 February 2021). Interview about Qanon. LINK
- Volkskrant 4 March 2021). Interview about how emotions shape voting preferences. LINK
- Libelle (nr. 14; 25 to 31 March 2021). Interview about conspiracy theories.
- RTL nieuws (19 May 2021). About online threats by a radicalized conspiracy theorist. LINK
- KIJK complotspecial (June 2021). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
- RTL nieuws (12 August 2021). Interview about how the movie “I am legend” features in an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory. LINK
- Babel Magazine (15 September 2021). Interview about the psyche of conspiracy believers. LINK
- Observant (11 October 2021). About conspiracy theories. LINK
- Trouw (11 March 2022). About disinformation. LINK
- De psycholoog (May 2022). Interview about fake news and conspiracy theories. LINK
- RTL nieuws (11 June 2022). Interview about farmer’s protest at the minister’s house. LINK
- RTL nieuws (22 september 2022). Interview about populism and conspiracy theories. LINK
- Trouw (20 October 2022). About the reptile conspiracy theory and antisemitism. LINK
- Trouw (25 October 2022). About conspiracy theorist harassing the mother of a deceased girl. LINK
- KIJK (issue 12, 2022). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
NRC (20 February 2023). Interview about conspiracy theories. LINK
- RTL Nieuws (29 April 2023). Interview about conspiracy theories. Link
- KIJK (Issue 2, 2024). About threatened scientists.
- EditieNL (12 March 2024). About bystanders filming a reanimation. Link
Public debates:
- Speaker during debate night on hate mail; “Onbegane grond”, Amsterdam (22 July 2009)
- Panel member and discussant during debate night on Belief in Conspiracy Theories; de Balie, Amsterdam (18 January 2010)
- Discussant about bystander intervention during debate night “Duivelse dilemma’s: Getuige”; De Balie, Amsterdam (14 December 2011)
- Public interview and debate NWO closing conference “conflict and security” about political paranoia (21 May 2014).
- Ad Valvas (Nr. 15, 25 Maart 2015). Rondetafelgesprek “vertrouwen in de wetenschap”.
- Public interview at Theatre play “de allesgelover” about conspiracy beliefs; Bellevue Theater, Amsterdam (17 March 2016).
- Public interview and debate about belief in conspiracy theories; Kenniscafé Almere (28 October 2016).
- Public Interview about Conspiracy Theories; Museum Naturalis Boerhaave, Halloween Science Horror Night. (26 October 2018).
- Discussion about fake news among youth during the corona pandemic; with Youth workers and Dutch Health Minister Hugo de Jonge. Organized by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports. (1 December 2021). LINK
- Public interview about what drives people to commit fraud; Fraude Filmfestival Tuschinski (Amsterdam, 3 November 2022).
- Public interview about why people get hooked on conspiracy theories. With Pasi Kivioja. Helsinki, Finland, 25 November 2022.